
National Instruments社が常温核融合研究へ強力な支援

ロッシ氏のE-Catの改良に大きな貢献をしたと伝えられるNational Instruments社がいよいよ常温核融合研究へ強力な支援を行なっている事を公に表明し始めました。

一つ目は、「常温核融合技術の商用化」と題した講演で、Brillouin Energy社のRobert Godes社長が喋ります。

Technical Session
8/8/12 (Wednesday 8th) 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Ballroom E
Title: Commercialization of LENR Technology
Length: 30 Minute
Technical Level: Introductory
Abstract: In the quest for alternative energy, researchers have tried to understand the intense heat release of Pd-D or Ni-H reactions. By understanding the physics behind this lower energy nuclear reaction (LENR) phenomenon, researchers can control the reaction. Discover how Brillouin Energy Corporation has demonstrated control over the reaction, who the early adopters are likely to be, the types of systems that will be commercialized, and the applications these systems will address.
NIWeek Speaker: Robert Godes
President and Chief Technology Officer
Brillouin Energy Corp
Technical Session 8/7/12 (Tuesday 7th) 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Ballroom E
Title: Keynote: The Quest for Alternative Energy—Anomalous Heat Effect (a.k.a. Cold Fusion)
Length: 1 Hour
Technical Level: Introductory
Abstract: Several labs around the world are trying to replicate the phenomenon known as “cold fusion.” While the term has evoked controversy, many research facilities have observed over 200 instances of intense heat. This demonstrates either an unknown physical event or a need for better measurement and control tools. In both cases, NI can provide the tools to accelerate innovation and scientific discovery. The Big Physics and Science Summit brings together experts to discuss these anomalous heat effects, the status of theoretical research, experimental results, and the prospect of commercializing this technology for daily energy needs.
さらに、E-Cat Worldには、7月2日にイタリアのローマで開かれた「Towards a non-polluting energy revolution(無公害エネルギー革命に向けて)」と題された常温核融合関連の会議で、NI社のStefano Concezzi氏が語った内容が紹介されました。氏は、NI社の「Science and Big Physics Segment」のディレクターです。 


Kim (hope the spelling is right), Purdue University – mathematical model – software applications – to be presented in august
Hagelstein, MIT mathematical model – software applications (different theory)
Los alamos national lab
University of Missouri
University of Bologna, Levi – he mentioned a sponsorship for a lab of the physics department. so here we go beyond a simple collaboration. he also spoke about Levi as the “heir” of Focardi (I guess this is also a way to keep in touch with Rossi)
INFN Frascati (Celani)
Kobe University
Osaka University

Texas University, Austin
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
Stanford Research Institute
Naval Research Laboratories

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